NCDOT is responsible for the maintenance of roads within the town limits.
- To see a list of what roads are included on the 2025-2029 Highway Maintenance Improvement Program list, click here.
Maintenance issues can be reported here.
Division 10; District 3 covers both Union and Anson Counties. The District office is located in Monroe. Contact information can be found here.
Street Closing Petition
State Transportation Improvement Program Map
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Weddington Intersection Study Results
The town contracted with Kimley Horn to provide a level of service analysis on 5 intersections within the Town Limits. The list and recommended improvements are below. (This list does not include intersections along the funded Providence Road or Weddington Rd. improvement projects.)
The study included updated traffic counts. Some of the town’s roads had sections with no counts and others had counts that were up to 10 years old. The last time Weddington did traffic counts and projections was in 2009, when the local area regional transportation plan was approved. Traffic counts are higher in 2019 than what was projected for 2030 on some of our roadways.
We analyzed crash data over the past 3 years. Potter Road at Forest Lawn had the most crashes with the highest crash type as ‘rear ends’ followed by Beulah Church Road at Twelve Mile Creek with the most crash type as a ‘fixed object’. Antioch and Forest Lawn was 3rd highest with the most crashes due to the angle of the intersection; 4th was Antioch Church Road at Beulah Church Road also due to a bad angle and the safest of the five intersections was New Town Road at Twelve Mile Creek with the most crashes being rear ends.
Kimley-Horn obtained future volumes using a regional demand model to determine anticipated annual growth. The model includes the proposed Weddington Rd. at I-485 interchange and the Tilley Morris connection to the Waverly Shopping Center development. The traffic volume projections developed for the AM and PM peak hours at the intersections include existing counts and a linear growth to the 2045 horizon year.
Each intersection is graded A-F given its volume and seconds of delay. A-D are acceptable, according to NCDOT and F is failing with over a 50 second delay per vehicle.
Potter Road and Forest Lawn Drive
- Recommended Improvement – Signal with Turn Lanes on all approaches
Morning Peak | East Bound | West Bound | North Bound | South Bound |
2019 Existing | C | A | A | |
2045 No Build scenario | F | A | A | |
Evening Peak | ||||
2019 Existing | D | A | A | |
2045 No Build scenario | F | A | A |
Beulah Church Road and Twelve Mile Creek Road
- Recommended Improvement – Signalize with Turn Lanes on all approaches
Morning Peak | East Bound | West Bound | North Bound | South Bound |
2019 Existing | A | A | F | |
2045 No Build scenario | A | A | F | |
Evening Peak | ||||
2019 Existing | A | A | C | |
2045 No Build scenario | A | A | D |
Antioch Church Road and Forest Lawn Drive
- Recommended Improvement - Signalize (already has turn lanes)
Morning Peak | East Bound | West Bound | North Bound | South Bound |
2019 Existing | A | A | F | C |
2045 No Build scenario | A | A | F | F |
Evening Peak | ||||
2019 Existing | A | A | F | D |
2045 No Build scenario | A | A | F | C |
Antioch Church Road and Beulah Church Road
- Recommended Improvement – Signalize as-is (no turn lanes needed)
Morning Peak | East Bound | West Bound | North Bound | South Bound |
2019 Existing | B | D | C | B |
2045 No Build scenario | C | F | F | C |
Evening Peak | ||||
2019 Existing | A | A | A | A |
2045 No Build scenario | B | B | B | B |
New Town Road and Twelve Mile Creek Road
- Recommended Improvement – Southbound Turn Lane Only
Morning Peak | East Bound | West Bound | North Bound | South Bound |
2019 Existing | A | A |
| D |
2045 No Build scenario | A | A |
| F |
Evening Peak | ||||
2019 Existing | A | A | C | |
2045 No Build scenario | A | A | F |
Intersection Updates:
Potter Road at Forest Lawn - The Town was approved for discretionary funding for a roundabout at Potter Road and Forest Lawn Drive. Engineering is projected to start in 2023, with right-of-way acquisition projected for 2024 and construction projected for 2025. Click here for the concept plan.
Tilley Morris and Weddington Matthews Rd - The Town Council has committed funds to this intersection which ranked the project high enough to be funded through STBG-DA funds. NCDOT has begun the engineering work for a roundabout design and plans to start construction in the summer of 2022. DRAFT plans can be found here
New Town at Ennis - NCDOT is constructing a roundabout at New Town and Ennis that will be elongated to include Broomes Old Mill. Construction is planned to begin in the summer of 2021. Draft plans can be found here
Rea Road Extension Information:
The N.C. Department of Transportation is proposing to extend Rea Road 1.7 miles east from N.C. 16 (Providence Road) on a new location to existing N.C. 84 (Weddington Road) near Twelve Mile Creek Road in Weddington (the new location roadway is expected to be signed as N.C. 84). Proposed work also involves widening 2.7 miles of existing N.C. 84 from two to four lanes from Twelve Mile Creek Road to Waxhaw-Indian Trail Road in Wesley Chapel. This project will help improve the mobility and connectivity of N.C. 84 in Union County. Without improvement, traffic volumes on N.C. 84 in 2035 are expected to exceed capacity in the project area.
In response to additional public and local government agency comments since the preferred alternative was presented at the June 2017 public meeting and an updated traffic study conducted for Weddington High School in 2023, design revisions were made to the preferred alternative. These revisions are shown on the updated Design Public Meeting Maps (see links below).
Map 2: NC 84 Weddington Hills Drive to Deal Road
Map 3: Shannon Woods Lane to Waxhaw Indian Trail Road
The preferred alternative involves building a four-lane road with 12-foot inside travel lanes, 14-foot outside lanes to accommodate bicycles, a 23-foot raised grass median, and curb and gutter. NCDOT will also coordinate with local municipalities to consider including sidewalks. Rea Road Extension would be a four-lane divided roadway and is expected to be signed as N.C. 84. The anticipated posted speed limit is 45 mph.
Providence Road Widening Project
To reduce travel delays and improve safety, the NCDOT has proposed widening Providence Road between Rea Road and Waxhaw Parkway and constructing a raised median. The proposed design would include reduced conflict intersections, also known as superstreets, at several locations along the route that would redirect some turning movements. The project is U-5769. Here is a link to the visualization presented at the public meeting
Local Area Regional Transportation Plan (LARTP)
The LARTP is a transportation planning tool used by the Town of Weddington. It addresses long-term transportation needs to maintain a reasonable level of service for motorists. The 2017 update is available here.
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Ordinance and Process and Procedures Manual.
In 2015, the Weddington Town Council adopted a Traffic Impact Analysis Ordinance that requires any major subdivision, or conditional rezoning, or portion thereof, which is expected to create fifty (50) or more peak hour vehicle trips or 500 or more daily vehicle trips to perform an analysis. This ensures the adequacy of service levels for local, private, and state road intersections that serve or are affected by a proposed project. The TIA Ordinance can be found online under Appendix C.
The purpose of the process and procedure manual is to guide implementation of Appendix C, “Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Ordinance”, of the Town of Weddington Zoning Ordinance. This manual contains processes, procedures, design requirements, and guidelines for the preparation of TIAs. This manual also details the interaction between Town staff, the applicant, traffic consultants, and the requirements for the certification and re-certification of qualified traffic consultants who prepare TIAs, as required, for development proposals in the Town of Weddington.