Planning Board
The Planning Board of the Town of Weddington is an advisory board that reviews subdivision plats and changes to the Town's Ordinances and discusses matters related to land use and development. They are a recommending body for the Town Council.
The Board is appointed by the Council to serve a four-year term. It is comprised of 7 volunteer members, all citizens of Weddington, and meets on the fourth Monday of the month at Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.
Planning Board Appointment Process Timeline:
- End of October through November: Clerk to put out Call for applications and contact applicants with applications on file regarding interest in serving.
- 1st week in January: Send applications to Council for review
- Through the end of January: Narrow applicants and first-round interviews
- February: Second round interviews (if necessary)
- Appointments made at March Council meeting
Planning Board Members also serve as the Board of Adjustment and as the Historic Preservation Commission.
Rules of Procedure
Chris Faulk
1162 Willow Oaks Trail Weddington, NC 28104 -
Vice Chair
Amanda Jarrell
Bill Deter
401 Havenchase Drive -
Rusty Setzer
425 Vintage Creek Drive -
Nancy Anderson
13624 Providence Road -
Scott Buzzard
Steve Fellmeth