Comprehensive Plan Update

What is it?

The Town is in the process of developing a new Comprehensive Plan to reflect new and changing conditions in Weddington. The Comprehensive Plan is a document designed to guide the future actions of the County. It also presents a vision for a community’s future with long-range goals, objectives and policies. The Comprehensive Plan does not dictate engineering standards, zoning regulation, prohibit uses, densities or intensities allowed by the zoning regulation, subdivision regulations, or buildings codes regulation.

How can you participate?

Through this process of developing a new Comprehensive Plan, the utilization of public engagement will be key. Specifically, public engagement that identifies current and anticipated issues and desires, and answers the questions, “Where are we now?” “Where do we want to go?” and “How do we get there?”

There will be multiple public engagement opportunities as a part of this process.

Additionally, the Town has also formed a 10-member Steering Committee which is intended to function as an advisory group guiding the vision of the Comprehensive Plan from a high level. The Steering Committee is comprised of Town residents, HOA members, local business owners, and other community leaders, and its current membership is as follows:

  • Nancy Anderson
  • Kris Gilboy
  • Chris Granelli
  • Nathaniel Grove
  • Elizabeth Holtey
  • Jason Johnson
  • Joyce Plyler
  • Rusty Setzer
  • Lisa Spencer
  • Gayle Butler

Project Timeline:

The Comprehensive Plan update began in January 2023, and has an anticipated timeline for adoption of April 2024.

Project Timeline