

The Finance Officer’s responsibility to the Town of Weddington and its citizens is to ensure that adequate controls exist in order to protect the Town’s funds and maintain adequate and accurate records of all financial transactions.  The Finance Officer is also responsible for the preparation and management of the Town’s annual budget.  See the Budget and Audited financial statements here.

Planning, Permits, and Development Services

The Planner is responsible for reviewing and approving construction plans, performing field inspections, answering questions pertaining to codes, and more.  Here you will find all documents, applications, forms, schedules, fees, etc. related to development in Weddington. 


The Tax Collector collects all taxes levied by the town and coordinates the certified tax base annually.  Here you can find the tax rate and how to pay your taxes.

Fire Services

Wesley Chapel Volunteer Fire Department serves the Town of Weddington.  The service area maps and FAQs can be found here.

Police Services

The Town contracts with the Union County Sherriff's Office for police services.  Monthly reports, deputy contacts, and resources can be found here.


Information about the Town's Traffic Impact Analysis and Procedures Manual can be found here, along with road and intersection improvement updates.

Medicine Drop Box Location

Find a drop box to dispose of medications.