REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS-Comprehensive Plan/Downtown Master Plan

The Town of Weddington is seeking responses from qualified planning professionals whether that be individual firms or teams of consultants that are capable of providing professional services including: research and analysis of historic, present, and future land use patterns; limited market analysis; mapping; creative and diverse methods of public engagement and community visioning; development of recommendations for successful plan implementation; and document preparation.

In conjunction with the comprehensive planning process, the Town would also like to develop a new Downtown Master Plan. The Town established a Downtown Overlay District in 2015 and adopted a few associated Land Use Plan policies. Since that time, minimal development has occurred within the Downtown Overlay District; however, there has been public discussion regarding the clarification of the location of the “Town Center” as well as possible expansion of the Downtown Overlay District. The new Downtown Master Plan should address these issues, develop design guidelines, and recommend specific implementation strategies.

Please see the scope of work and bidding requirements here.

All questions must be submitted in writing to

Response Deadline: October 21, 2022 (no later than 4:00 pm EST)