Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization Seeking Input on Public Involvement Plan

The Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CRTPO) is seeking input on its public involvement efforts. They would like residents to complete a survey on how CRTPO can best provide information to the community and gather feedback. They want to hear about resident involvement and desired level of engagement in identifying priorities and concerns regarding regional transportation planning.

The CRTPO Public Involvement Survey is open until August 12, 2022. Take the survey at

Survey responses will be used to help determine methods for CRTPO to effectively share information, consult with the community, and receive public input. Results will also be used in updating CRTPO’s Public Involvement Plan. The CRTPO recognizes the importance of public engagement as an essential component of the continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive (3-C) transportation planning process required by the Federal Highway Administration.

The CRTPO is the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Charlotte urbanized area which includes Iredell, Mecklenburg, and the Western portion of Union counties. CRTPO is responsible for coordinating transportation policy for local jurisdictions, allocating transportation funds, and ensuring funds are spent in accordance with federal policy. Visit for more information.