Community Meeting
January 27
Virtual via Zoom: Use the following link to register in advance:
Members of the Weddington community are invited to attend an informational meeting hosted by Provident Land Services, Inc. to share our vision for a newly proposed mixed-use community on Providence Road and close to the roundabout on Weddington Road at Weddington Town Hall. The purpose of this meeting is to provide information and solicit public input regarding a proposed application for conditional rezoning for a mixed-use community. Provident Land Services is seeking residents’ feedback and suggestions on this project.
For space planning and social distancing protocols, we ask that you kindly RSVP for in-person attendance to no later than January 25th. Be sure to include the number in your party who will attend in person, as we will likely need to cap the in-person attendance at 40.
Attend by Phone: 1-929-205-6099. Meeting ID: 853-4490-1246. Code: 979628
To avoid background noise, all participants will be muted during the meeting, however, there will be a chat feature that will allow you to post any questions. To keep the meeting running efficiently, all chatroom questions will be addressed at the end of the meeting. If you are unable to get your question answered during the meeting or have additional questions, please email Kristin Dillard at