
Public Involvement Meeting - Roots Farm

December 18

There will on-site public involvement meeting on Friday, December 18, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on the Roots Farm property located at 540 Providence Road, Weddington NC.


Public Involvement Meeting - Roots Farm

December 16


Wednesday, December 16, 2020 from 9am to 11am via Zoom

Phone No.: 301-715-8592

Meeting ID: 936 4514 6671

Passcode: 784070

Public Involvement Meeting-Roots Farm

December 7


In light of the Town ceasing all in-person operations due to COVID-19, the in-person Roots Farm Public Involvement Meeting scheduled for Monday, December 7th from 1pm to 3pm has been cancelled and rescheduled as a virtual meeting on December 16, 2020 from 9am to 11am.  Details can be found below. The virtual Public Involvement Meeting scheduled for Monday, December 7th from 5pm to 7pm will remain as scheduled.

Monday, December 7, 2020 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.

Town Council Special Meeting

November 13

Mayor Callis has called for a special meeting of the Weddington Town Council on Friday, November 13, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. for the consideration of a resolution supporting the incorporation of extraterritorial municipal zoning jurisdiction into the Union County Comprehensive 2050 Land Use Plan. 

To connect to the Zoom meeting copy and paste this link into your browser:

WUMA Meeting

October 22

The mission of the Western Union Municipal Alliance is to promote cooperation and communication among the members of the alliance; to advocate for our mutual interests and goals with state and county officials; and to educate and inform our residents regarding current issues facing our region.
